Returning home from his conversation with folk after a service, the pastor decided to talk with some young people about the question he had been asked. He'd poured everything into his sermon, ending with Jesus' words, "Seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness and all the other things will be added to you."
Six young adults sat with him after school one day. "I simply don't understand a thing about suffering," said a young woman. "My father yells at me. I suffer because of my skin blemishes. My grades aren't good right now and I've lost my part time job."
Three of the others echoed similar sentiments while one guy said, "I don't have any worries."
"No way!" "Like, where's the connection?" "You're totally disconnected!" came the replies.
"Remember Joseph? Sold into slavery? Sent to Jail on false charges?" the pastor asked.
Silence. That little story seemed so far removed.
"No, listen, his life counted, a lot. He was a young guy just your ages when he was sold. Probably, his situation was as bad or worse than those in the movie, '12 Years a Slave'. He had been rejected by family members, those who were supposed to care for him. Now answer me this question: What prepared Joseph to talk to the Pharaoh and interpret those dreams? What feelings do you think he had when he was cleaning out toilets in jail?"
The conversation moved to what Joseph's agony at being wrenched from his family.
"You're trying to say the suffering we go through in daily life doesn't just impact our life at church, right pastor? You mean that what we are going through in our families and how we learn to see God in daily situations impacts those around us, right? Is that what you mean by 'living out the Kingdom of God?'" It was the young woman whose father had yelled at her for forgetting to turn off the lights, wasting electricity and his hard earned money.
"Sort of," came the reply with a grin. "Coffee's on me today," the pastor said, pulling out his wallet, as the thought through what he was going to say to the woman just diagnosed with MS, who he was going to meet at the clinic.
Great topic! Especially as I consider the hardships of people we've met in Mexico and Nepal... or even my own grandparents. Trials develop character?!