Later, of course, he was to write some of the warmest possible words to the new believers in Thessalonica. His care for them was 'like that of a nurse and a child'. He hadn't finished teaching them all he wanted to, so he wrote them once, and then again.
Read here
If you visit Thessalonica today, be prepared to be disappointed, though. You will see very little of the "historical stuff" you came to see! There are only a few bits of the ancient walls. Most of the historical center of the city was burned during World War II, which was brutally difficult on Greece as the Nazi army destroyed much of ancient value.
Dig deeper still and learn about the "Converted Jews", a very painful period suffered by Jews under the Ottoman Turks who had to leave Izmir (Smyrna).
Along the water's edge you'll find the "White Tower" and an amazing statue, that of "Alexander the Great." Read up about him before you make a trip to Greece or to the Middle East.
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