Tuesday, November 5, 2013

A Garland for Ashes: World War II, the Holocaust and a Journey to Forgiveness

Hanna Miley, who was raised in England after being taken (miraculously) onto a train that was transporting many other Jewish children, has published a wonderful book.

Her life story is an inspiration. together with her husband George Miley, they have deeply impacted thousands of persons across many decades.

This book would be a good addition to your library. The journey by which Hanna came to know about the death of her parents in a German Concentration Camp, her journey to faith in Yeshua Messiah, and her amazing life left an indelible impression on me.

I highly recommend A Garland for Ashes for those for whom forgiveness and reconciliation with our enemies is a vital subject. This is what they wrote recently:

A Garland for Ashes: World War II, the Holocaust, and One Jewish Survivor’s Long Journey to Forgiveness became a reality on July 3. We are experiencing the daily excitement of opening the Inbox and discovering the responses from readers. Many of you are praying that the story will bring healing to souls. One reader wrote:

About fifteen years ago you gave a collage workshop at a women’s retreat. I remember the collage you shared with us. A fine gold thread ran through the picture, representing the work and Presence of God in your story. I see the gold thread again in A Garland for Ashes. It leaves me sensing an unspoken mystery, a beauty that leaves me marveling at God, and His activity in our lives.
What a thrill to trace the Holy Spirit at work!

  • Marketing. With the help of Cheri, our gifted administrator, we are on an adventure, making A Garland for Ashes known to a wider audience. We sense the Lord saying to us: Be watchful, discerning and responsive to the connections and opportunities I am arranging. Take care to submit to the Holy Spirit. He is managing your marketing campaign.
  • Publishers. We are approaching several German publishing houses. Please pray for miracles--receptivity to a new, unknown author and a gifted translator. A small French publishing house is considering a French edition. Would we fit well together? A good friend has approached a few Dutch publishing houses.
  • Holocaust museum bookshops. Several have responded to our request to review A Garland for Ashes, and we are waiting to hear if they will carry the book.
  • Book signings. The blessing of God has been on the sharing of the story of Gemünd, forgiveness and reconciliation.
  • Printing. Prayer is needed for consistency in the quality of the printing. Please pray for our publisher Outskirts Press, and the very large “print-on-demand” production company Ingram/Lightening Source.


We have experienced considerable healing from the effects of the auto accident in Germany on June 5. George has recovered from his bruising and whiplash, while Hanna has been receiving excellent physiotherapy as she continues to live within the physical restrictions imposed by the two fractured discs in her spinal column.

Our scheduled return to Germany in September has been in jeopardy. Hanna has undergone a number of tests in our cardiologist’s office to check her abdominal artery and heart. In the mercy of God we have just been set free to go, and are searching for the right tickets to return the first week of October.

Opportunities ahead:
  • October 9--The same group that planned the laying of the Stolpersteine in Gemünd will meet to focus on the remembrance of Kristallnacht (Crystal Night), November 9-10, 1938.
The Gemünd Group working on the remembrance of Kristallnacht 2013.
  • October 12--Hanna has been invited to speak at the final meeting of the year-long celebration of Gemünd’s 800th anniversary.
  • October 21-25--The Antioch Network Gathering will take place in Volkenroda, Germany. We will be teaching on principles of reconciliation.
Volkenroda, our meeting place, a former monastery founded in 1131 and today,
the home of a christian community focused on reconciliation.
  • October 27-30--The next meeting of the Wittenberg 2017 initiative, a movement of repentance for historic divisions among Christians and prayer that Christ will make us one, will follow the Antioch Network Gathering in Volkenroda. We will be teaching on Reconciliation in Gemünd: Principles for Wider Reconciliation. 
With grateful hearts,

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