Wednesday, September 30, 2015

"Christianity in Britain is far from being extinct" - Ethics Daily

Fifty-seven percent of people in England call themselves Christians (though a fraction of those would be described as "practicing"), and one in five of those who don't is open to finding out more about Jesus after hearing Christians talk to them about their faith.

"The survey shows that the church is well connected throughout society. This connection is through the myriad of relationships that Christians have with the majority of the population in normal, everyday ways," said Rachel Jordan, national adviser for mission and evangelism for the Church of England.

"What is more, people like their Christian friends and family members and they enjoy being with them," she said.

"This is a different view of the church and Christians to the one often portrayed in the media but this survey shows it is the one held by the majority of the population."

Read more.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

"Screen time in worship in Vancouver, Canada" An evaluation of contemporary worship: Christian Century

A church in Toronto, Canada
"I’ve been screening churches in my new city of Vancouver, and I guess you could say they’ve been “screening” me. Almost every church I’ve visited uses a screen in its sanctuary during worship.

"In the 1980s or ’90s this might have been a signal that a congregation had taken a side in the worship wars.

"Now it’s just a sign that a church is open and f
unctioning." So writes Jason Byassee in The Christian Century

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Thursday, September 24, 2015

"Confessions of a Middle Aged Pastor" from Perspectives

What does a pastor with 40 years of experience make of his commitment to "shepherd" a flock? What have come to be the core principles of such a person?

After reading this short article, you may want to ask what are the basic principles that guide your life, too.

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Wednesday, September 23, 2015

"Farewell to the missionary 'hero'" - Christianity Today

A genre of Christian literature is coming to a close. In it, writers lifted missionaries up as heroes and gave them a "larger-than-life" status.

For generations, books and articles have been written that raise missionaries up, "putting them on a higher level" than the ordinary Christian.

Partially, may biographers had not seen the day-to-day, hum-drum life that missionaries in other countries had to face. Additionally, the small, internal conflicts that we all experience were largely unknown. Now, a new genre is coming out, with hundreds - no thousands, of books be written and published as e-books and self printing.

So, this article argues that a new kind of honesty is taking the place of the "hero" concept.

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Tuesday, September 22, 2015

The Day of Atonement - Yom Kippur - What does this mean?

The Day of Atonement is the most Holy day for Jews and it is being celebrated this evening and tomorrow all over the world.

What does this day mean to Jews? How does it help Christians understand our faith with a deeper, richer meaning of forgiveness?

Is there any similarity between the Day of Atonement for Jews, this year, and the Islamic religion, which commemorates the Day of Sacrifice on the same day this year?

Read more.

Monday, September 21, 2015

"Five Myths about Refugees" - Huffington Post

Five major myths need to be explored as (hundreds of) thousands of people make their way from Africa and the Middle East towards Europe.

Note: This article takes a rather compassionate look at the situation that refugees are facing.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

China and Laos: China has its own "Banana Basket" Pray for Laos

The Northern portion of Laos where the Lahu Aga live has become the "banana basket" for China, just as central America is positioned close to the USA.

Most of the economy at present centers around numerous banana plantations and other than their own highland fields, it is on these plantations that most of the Lahu Aga find work, people in one of the many local tribes.

At present there is no official schooling in Lahu Aga villages.

They have individuals who come in to teach from time to time, but no regular program.  They are hoping to have the first official school in a Lahu Aga village open up sometime next year.

That gives a small inkling of the amount of work that needs to be done in this part of Laos.

Pray for the people of Laos. People who become Christians usually have to spend one year in prison for going against the beliefs of the government. Training for Christian leaders is next to impossible, unless the person goes to another country for a short period of time.

Friday, September 18, 2015

"Women's hair-styles: the same today as 2000 years ago" Daily News - from Istanbul

Archaeological studies in many places have turned up statues of women and one is fascinated by the care taken in getting the hair just right.

2,000 years ago, women back-combed their hair, did it up in buns, curled it and alternatively, put it in a braid, or wore it straight. Many more exotic fashions involved diadems, tiaras or combs.

Some things haven't changed much in two millennia.

Some of the techniques used in sculpturing are displayed in the Antalya Museum, one of the almost unknown gems in Turkey.

The best display of sculptures comes from the nearby city of Perge, (or Perga) where Paul visited and preached. It is one of my favorites. The stunning detail captured centuries ago in dozens of statues illustrates the care taken by artists at that time.

Turkish museum staff have been very helpful in letting me take photos, which are helping me in get the details right in the seven novels I'm writing - on the Seven Churches of the Revelation.

Read more.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

"Some amazing facts about College Freshmen" - Denison Forum

Beloit College has just published its annual list of factoids about students entering their first year of college.  They
  • Have never licked a postage stamp
  • Have always used cell phones with Wi-Fi access
  • Had their first steps recorded by proud parents using camcorders (the students probably don't know what one is)
  • Improved their reading skills with the Harry Potter series
  • Have always watched television in high definition.
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Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Pray for Jerusalem - Anne Graham Lotz

9 1 1: An Emergency Recall to Pray for Jerusalem
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Less than one week ago today, on August 19th, I said good-bye to my husband of almost forty-nine years.  At that moment, the only thing that truly mattered was the decision he made as a five year old boy in vacation Bible school to trust Jesus as his Savior.  As a result, he knew for the rest of his life that his sins were forgiven, he possessed eternal life, and he had peace with God. What a gift his faith was, and continues to be, to his family and friends. We know our good-byes were not final. We grieve, but with hope. We know we will see Danny Lotz again in Our Father’s House not because of anything that he has done, but because of God’s amazing grace extended to him at the Cross.

Several weeks ago, not knowing that Danny would soon step into eternity, I had a burden on my heart to once again pray for Jerusalem. I had decided to issue a Recall to Pray on September 1st, similar to the urgent call for prayer I had issued last September. I have a sense that something significant is going to happen in the very near future that involves the Epicenter—Jerusalem and the nation of Israel.  This foreboding has been confirmed by many indicators …
  • Renewed missile attacks from Gaza on Israel’s southern communities during the first weekend of this August
  • The deployment of the Iron Dome in the north to try and protect Israelis from expected incoming Hezbollah rockets
  • The tsunami of cash that will flow into Iran, then through Iran to terrorists around the globe, as a result of the “Nuclear Deal” John Kerry has negotiated that includes the lifting of sanctions against Iran
  • The fragile coalition Prime Minister Netanyahu has pieced together for his government that seems to lack unity of vision and strength of resolve
  • The strained relationship between Israel and the US as our leaders have taken this nation to the dark side of Biblical prophecy because we no longer bless the descendants of Abraham by standing solidly with them against their enemies
  • The fourth blood moon on September 28 considered by rabbis to be an omen for Israel that will also be a super moon seen over Jerusalem   
  • The alarming rise of worldwide anti-Semitism
  • The end of the Jewish Shemitah Year on September 13 and the beginning of the Jubilee Year on September 28—both very significant in Biblical prophecy.

God has impressed on my heart to help "pre-prayer" Jerusalem for whatever He knows is coming. I am seeking to rally His people with 9 1 1:  An Emergency Recall to Pray for Jerusalem.  This is your invitation to please pray and fast with me for one hour of your choosing

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

"The One Percent: Why so few Pastors quit a 'Brutal Job' " - Christianity Today

Being a pastor is one of the most challenging jobs around. I know it from experience, having been privileged to minister to God's people in Canada, Brazil and other countries.

With such high demands on a person, why do so few pastors "quit"?

Christianity Today does a great job of defining what 'a brutal job' is, and why pastors keep sticking to their calling. This is an article that you may want to keep.

Read more.


Monday, September 14, 2015

Let's Dig a little deaper: Who was the father of the drowned three-year old?

The whole world stopped to stare at the photo of a three year old drowned on a Turkish shore.

Read more.

But, governments in the west, especially in Canada, have been blamed for his death.

Who was to blame for his death - read this.

But who was the father? Is the accusation correct that he was a people smuggler?

How will we know that he was not the one who was taking the little inflatable boat from Turkey to Greece?

Was the father working with the human smugglers?

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Syrian Refugees coming to Western Canada: 30+ churches are inviting them.

More than 30 churches in Western Canada are inviting Syrian families to come and live here. The invitation involves: leaving Lebanon, or Jordan, or Turkey; setting up a home in one of the four western provinces in Canada; learning a new language (English); finding a home; finding a job and getting established in a new life.

Churches can invite a family to come into their neighborhood. The way that this is done is explained in Jeremy Bell's blog. Happy reading!

Read more.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

"Who is to blame for the drowning of Alan Kurdi?" - Toronto Sun

The photo that stared us in the face this week brought this question to all of our minds:

"Who is the blame for the drowning of three-year old Alan Kurdi?"

Was it the UN that refused to designate the Kurdi family as refugees? (This family had crossed the border from Syria into Turkey and Turkey does not accept such families as 'Refugees")

Was it the Turkish government that refuses to give such families an "exit visa"?

Was the Conservative Party of Canada, presently governing Canada, to blame?

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Sunday, September 6, 2015

60th Anniversary of the Turkish Pogrom against Greeks in Istanbul

September 6 and 7, 1955 witnessed a tragic pogrom, one which set the foundation for the distrust that exists until today between Turkey and Greece. (Add to that issues surrounding Cyprus, and...)

Unfortunately, the article, which is written in Turkey and published by a newspaper that is under "surveillance|" by the authorities during a tense period in Turkish politics, leaves out the untold damage that the pogrom caused. Before the pogrom, the Greek population was 200,000 in Istanbul. Afterwards, it immediately fell to 150,000 - thousands of refugees fleeing to Athens. The Greek population continued to decline until now there are scarcely more than 2,500 permanent "minority Greek" residents in Istanbul. Damage to buildings ran to over 1,500 buildings either burned, or demolished or bombed. Legal issues are still outstanding over some properties. But, none of this will appear in a Turkish newspaper today. (It did a number of years ago, in this newspaper, when there was an increasing awareness of the place of "minorities" in Turkey.)

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Saturday, September 5, 2015

450 Churches in Atlantic Canada are sponsoring 50 Syrian Families: CBC

450 Baptist churches are sponsoring 50 Syrian families, according to the CBC.

Paul Carline, who is familiar with development issues in Africa and with internally displaced people, is helping to coordinate this effort.

Read more.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

The Rise of AI: Should we be afraid of machines taking over?

James Titcomb, writing in The Telegraph, has a provocative and meaningful article.

 "In the last few years, artificial intelligence (AI) has moved from a pipedream, or the domain of science fiction, to a reality that is certain to have a profound impact on our lives.

"Not only is AI certain to make millions of jobs that exist today obsolete, it will also force us to ask major questions, about privacy, laws and ethics,"

Read more.