Saturday, February 13, 2016

Canadian hospitality for refugees: "Build mosques on military bases, buy copies of Qur'an, prayer mats and food"

Up to 6,000 of the Syrian refugees, coming to Canada under the new Trudeau government gesture of hospitality and welcome, will be housed in seven Canadian Forces Bases. Seeking to meet all their needs, housing, nutritional, emotional and spiritual, the Ministry of Immigration will build "worship centers" (mosques), buy the necess
ary prayer mats and purchase sufficient copies of the Qur'an, as well as food, classes in English or French, and education for children.

Suggestion to the Canadian government: request mosques in Toronto, of which there are now many, to support the new-comers with copies of the Qur'an - their members get Income Tax receipts for funds given for this purpose. The government should not be paying for these "religious support" costs.

Let's also remember that we have THOUSANDS of First Nations people on the reservations across Northern Canada and many of them lack the basics: education, running water, proper housing and equipment for fighting fires. Note to Canadian Government: can there be a balance between the tens of thousands of Canadians up north and what they need, in comparison to the 6,000 who are to be put on military bases?

Read more.

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